Apps selection is a task that requires patience and the right knowledge. One shouldn’t jump head first into installation of a kids educational apps that has been found interesting. At first, you should ask several questions to yourself about the particular app at hand.
Here are 9 questions to aid you in the selection process of a kids educational app.
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5 Tips to Find the Best Kids Educational Apps
1. Does the app have the right content that you want students to learn?
Check whether your new app have the right information that you want your kids to learn. If you want an app that should focus on reading comprehension, installing an app that teaches grammar lessons would be inappropriate.
2. Which skills do you want your students to practice or refine by using the app?
Like the appropriate content, you may also have specific skills that you want the kids to develop. Each of the kids educational app will be designed to focus on developing single or multiple skills in the users. Select one that suits your need carefully.
3. Will the app try to sell to your students?
Many publishers try to advertise and offer in-app s through the educational app. This is a tendency that will hurt your child’s learning progress and focus. You should double check and confirm that the app does not come from vendors indulging in such practices.
4. Will the app cater to my students’ needs?
Not every student is alike. Each has their own learning pace and learning requirements. Choose an app which has an approach that suits the learning techniques of individual students, even if it means using multiple number of apps for teaching the same concepts.
5. Are there finer apps that could achieve the same purpose?
It is commonly known that an app is not developed by a single publisher alone. For example, there are hundreds of apps that teaches basic mathematical functions. When there are two apps available for fulfilling the same purpose, always go for the best.
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6. Is there any other app that is available at a cheaper price?
Some people believe that apps that cost higher are of superior quality and can meet your expectations better. Well, there is not much truth in this. Yet, you should be careful not to compromise by choosing an app that is of a deteriorated quality.
7. Do you already have a similar app with you?
Apps come in a variety of titles and themes. Sometimes even the descriptions may not give you a fair and accurate idea about the function that it performs. Therefore, it is easy to get confused and misled. Be sure to check the reviews on the app store thoroughly, especially when you are going for a paid app.
8. Does the app inculcate positive values in students?
Many a times, misguidance can come in the form of apps too. You should instantly dismiss apps that are going against your school’s and even your culture’s values. Apps should promote good qualities in students and not bad behaviours. An app that glorifies an act of theft or an evil character is definitely not the right one for young children.
9. Can you talk with the app creators?
You should check if you are able to contact the app’s creators directly. You might need this when your app gets stuck, crashes, or when you lose some data stored in it.
There are a lot of marketing and buzz surrounding almost every app found out there, which makes decision taking very difficult. Apps that meet the needs of teachers and students are very rare. Using this checklist you can select apps that would actually improve learning outcomes and that are not merely all flash.
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