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Ways to Come Up with Groundbreaking Mobile Game Development Ideas

Ways to Come Up with Groundbreaking Mobile Game Development Ideas

Mobile game development is a job that needs a passionate heart towards what you do. The developer goes through the same excitement as the game player. You rejoice at every small accomplishment that your game character makes. But before all that comes, there is one thing that you need before anything else- A good “idea” for game development.

“How could you be resourceful when you need to come up with some groundbreaking mobile game development ideas?” As a mobile game developer this is one crucial question that contributes a large share in shaping your destiny.

Dream a lot

If you are a game developer, you should dream a lot. We all had our dreams and fascinations as a child. Our favorite heroes and imaginary friends were alive in our little minds. We flew in clouds and we jumped into chocolate pools. And our favorite holiday spot became Disney Land.

Most of us are still fascinated about our childhood heroes. We day dream putting ourselves in their shoes and we ourselves become the heroes in our dreams – the one man army and the last hope of earth. We solve mysteries and we join the fights.

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Adventures with mesozoic creatures, alien life forms, monsters, mechanical men and robots makes our daydreams highly imaginative. But as adults, we more easily realize that they are just our imagination. Games have the power to bring the improbable and intangible into reality.

With mobile game evolution, early developers began experimenting with queer story lines. They gave an element of surrealism, and allowed the impossibilities to happen that kept the player’s interest level high.

Mobile games became the right platform to create new worlds and new systems. As a game developer, you should look around the world and observe things happening around you more attentively to generate cool ideas. With a lot of focus and practice, this will become one of your instinct.

Search other media

One of the greatest inspirations for mobile game development comes from the stories that we have read and the movies that we have watched.

Remember the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? And the evergreen children’s novel Alice in Wonderland? All are great sources to think about new ideas. From Aladdin to Batman, games are created based on world famous fictional characters.

Growing up, we shifted our interests more towards Sci-Fi, horror and similar categories. We loved to watch Terminator, Star Wars, and Star Trek. Yet, as adults, we also loved to read and watch the Harry Potter series.

Inspiration can be sought out from all potential fields like movies, stories, cartoons, and even poems. For e.g., The Rape of the Lock, a mock-heroic poem by Alexander Pope, provides a possible theme which includes a kingdom, palaces, elaborate rituals, a boat journey, a mission, and supernatural characters like fairies.

Although you can’t take characters and themes as such from others intellectual property just like that, a little bit of inspiration from them could do wonders. All original ideas trails from good old ones, as Wilson Mizner said, “Copy from one, it’s plagiarism; copy from two, it’s research.”

Games from games

Game ideas can come from other games as well. It is so obvious that when you play a game, you wish for a hundred new features to be included or you think that an alternate story line might make the game more interesting. Critically looking at other games can automatically brainstorm new and creative ideas.

Playing games have other advantages too. For e.g, you can know what things make a game interesting, up to where you should continue providing a particular feature or resource and where you should halt, how difficult should a level be etc. All these insights can allow you to adjust your game complexities and architecture accordingly.

Lastly, there is something that should be remembered always. Ideas have this strange nature – You are immediately struck by one waking up from a dream and by the time you finish your coffee, it vanishes from your memory.

A great tip- Do not forget to jot it down as soon as you get one!

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