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Mobile Game Market – Statistics [Infographics]

Mobile Game Market – Statistics [Infographics]

Mobile is the largest gaming platform by market share. The gaming industry has become an area of interest for MNCs globally to invest billions. As for indie game developers, now there are lower barriers of entry into the field. With wider audience, an open market, and extensive technology upgrade, the quality, demands, and expectations are growing in the industry everyday.

A major number of games in the mobile space belongs to Android. The audience share for the market in recent years shows a greater growth potential towards east, after setting firm bases among the western populace. As market continues to mature, subsequent scopes are generated with opportunities outspread to explore.

Many studies that delved into this particular digital gaming world have acquired significant insights on the mobile game market. Here are some of those figures that will make you familiar with how the enormous market is stacked up.

mobile game market statistics

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