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Fundamentals of Mobile App Development for a Start-up

Fundamentals of Mobile App Development for a Start-up

Year after year, the need to realize that mobile apps has become the formidable tool to attract customers and drive sales has inspired businesses to invest in mobile app development. The mobile-first strategy stems from the fact that the use of mobiles not only helps customers engage with the products but also allows them to interact and respond to what they experience. Be it shopping online or chatting with friends, mobile app users remain increasingly dedicated to their personal devices for assorted purposes.

The reason why today’s companies, big or small, are thinking of having a business mobile app is that more than 50% of people in the world uses smartphone. It comes as no surprise that nearly 70% of the global internet traffic is coming from mobile devices.

Such an enormous amount of mobile users offers a solid ground for business owners and marketing strategists to build a viable app.

A survey from reveals that close to 47% of small businesses across the US view the launching of their mobile apps as a wise investment and a fruitful plan for future profit.

However, to meet the rising demands from customers is a massive challenge for both business app owners and developers. Building complex enterprises apps could be quite a leap for start-up organizations who have just ventured a few good steps in this area. In order to fulfil the expectations from client’s side and of consumers, these start-ups require a strategic investment of exceptional research abilities, flexibility and stringent work methods while developing an app.

Here are some of the most essential fundamentals of mobile app development for every mobile app creating start-up company who wants to make it big in the business:

1) Cross-platform Enterprise Mobile Apps

Despite the fact that any start-up can achieve their goals through gradual from-basic-to-scalable process, the best way to hit the mark in quick efforts is to conform to cross-platform app development standards. To elaborate it further, startup companies that start building apps that work equally well across all device platforms are among those getting recognized faster in the world.

From utility, banking & finance, travel & booking appointments right down to social media and online shopping apps, modern customers are looking for sophisticated apps that accommodate all of their needs, the smallest and the biggest. Hence, the enterprises that deliver the software products and services desire to shake hands with those developers who have world-class expertise to take up sharp challenges and develop multi-facility apps designed to work across many available platforms.

2) An Approach Towards Dynamic Functionalities

Since enterprise mobile applications clearly mean developing apps with dynamic functionalities, startup industry must work on providing high-end superior-quality apps from scratch. The end users of such apps can be business users or, alternatively, consumers. They like to explore a heterogeneous set of interactive functionalities such as GPS, transactions, messages, responsiveness, sensors, and even audio/video. This should support their phones, tablet, wearable devices and IoT connected gadgets.

For this dream to be real, your mobile app development startup firm must be conversant with using right tools, technologies, research capabilities and development processes.

3) Innovative Apps can Accelerate Startup Growth

Now a days, enterprises refuse to compromise on developing apps that are creative, innovative and thoughtfully designed. Corporate Enterprise companies are especially interested in having an app that helps them connect with their customers and represent their business like a tangible brick-and-mortar structure. They demand dynamic app options for managing their account and customers, tracking their online behaviour, or creating a rich social media for enhanced level of engagement.

With large number of apps being developed and released every day, it is pivotal for mobile app development startup industry to give shape to an influential, result-oriented app that befits all magnitude of businesses and acquires maximum customers.

4) Discern the Clarity of your Goals:

Knowing your goals enrich your vision and helps you develop apps that hit the precise pain point and transform into a remarkable success story. Define and set your final goals where you want to reach so that you can make a clear strategy and avoid confusion down the path of development. Once you are aware of the outcome, it becomes easier to face the challenges down the line.

The primary goal of having an app is to penetrate the existing digital market, engage customers and boost sales number.

Proper analysis:

detailed analysis of the product and target audience helps you build an effective app. Find out the actual behaviour of the target market and trends that are heating up, which will in a way determine the demographics of end users – business customers or youngsters or children. Align with customer’s exact requirements so that you will be able to match the developed product perfectly with the envisioned product.

Test of compatibility:

If you are on your way to build an impeccable mobile app, make sure it is compatible across all platforms and devices used by the target audience. Cross-platform mobile app  development therefore is preferred more than native apps to reach maximum users.

5) Choice of Technology

Before choosing any technology platform, one must ensure it is feasible in every way possible. The final product must come out robust, usable and highly functional. The most ubiquitous platforms are iOS, Windows and Android, and they are evolving rapidly with frequent handy updates. These platforms make it practically possible for developers to build unique features and impressive interface to deliver outstanding user experience. Choosing the right platform means your apps will be supported by numerous devices used by customers.

6) Security and Speed Efficiency

Monitoring the responses of the app functionality is conceived as the best idea. Doing so eliminates the scope of errors and eventually builds an engaging and interesting app. Make it a practise to identify obstacles in the existing product and improve its standard before its finally deployed.

Security problems are potential threats to customers who will become the end users of the app. Choose a reliable, secure, authentic resources and industry-standard processes to build the app to ensure its highly secure.

The app you design must be able to function and run in the normal internet environment. Make sure the app remains effective and healthy so that users can access it all the time. Also, the app should respond instantly to process customer requests in time.

7) Testing Quality and Consistency

Testing the app is a crucial stage for any developer as it confirms whether or not the app is ready to venture into the online app store. Anideal app testing method must include testing on different devices of varied screen sizes in order to measure its performance and view its compatibility. Check its quality and how it appears on all the devices. This will help you check if all the features and functionality of the app works consistently on all devices that customers are likely to use.

Apart from this, the developer must also necessarily maintain the consistency while coding the app to make sure the entire mobile app development process, along with its documentation and program updates and interface, is genuine, consistent and unblemished.

8) Introduce a Pilot Version

Once the development team is confident that they have built a well-tested, mature and fully functional app, they can go for launching the pilot product. The course of ideal mobile app development must end with the launch of pilot version. It helps developers receive the feedback and responses from the users and judge the success of the app. you can approach your colleagues, friends and family to use the app so that you can practically find loopholes if any. Their feedbacks can be taken and processed to assess the functioning of its top features so that you can determine its most admired and underrated features.

Finally, get ahead of the competition

Mobile apps are in great demand, and enterprises require better face of apps to accelerate the growth prospect of their respective business and improve their existing working system. The challenges are intense and need your skilled efforts. One of biggest challenges in this area is fierce competitors. Therefore, start-up mobile app development companies must invest their focus to deliver the highly evolved and innovative product that gratifies customers, earning them high ROI.

The best way to get ahead of the competition is to extract feedback from experts who have substantial experience in using or reviewing the similar product. Being in involved in the competitive IT scene, your app must have something unique to offer and have better run speed, stunning aesthetics and good accessibility.

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