Lately, there is a significant improvement in the development of virtual reality applications. Nonetheless, the market niche still stays a bit unfilled. There weren’t any massive breakthroughs in the history of the virtual reality app application development yet that gives a leap of hope to all new players to measure the success of the application such as Instagram, at virtual reality market. This seemingly exciting technology is significantly utilized in military services, entertainment, medical, and of course, there is education.

By 2020, the virtual reality market is estimated to hit $30 billion. On one side, tech giants and gaming are likely take over the field, but at the same time startups are here to grab their space in the market revenue. However, before anything else, how much does it cost to build a VR app? The answer isn’t that simple. We certainly can’t say a definite number like exactly $50, 000 or even as low as $1000.
But to make it a bit easier for you, lets take a detailed look at the factors that affect virtual reality app development expenses in every step of its developmental phase.
Factors that affect a virtual reality app development costs
In the end, the development costs of a virtual reality application come down to whether you want to build a mobile virtual reality application or a mobile virtual reality game. You can expect the number somewhere between $35, 000 to $75, 000 for a non-gaming mobile virtual reality application and between $45, 000 to $100, 000 for a mobile virtual reality game. These numbers may differ from company to company. Nonetheless, you can undoubtedly expect a six digit number for the development of a VR app.
Now that we have seen the estimated cost of a virtual reality app, it is now time to dig deep into the various factors that åre directly proportional to the cost of developing a VR app:
What kind of software and content would you be using?
For any app, the primary 2 factors that determines the development cost is the type of content used and the software you want for your app. Usually, the content and the software are two distinct subjects, but however, when it comes to the budget, it is a bit complex to separate these two. Well, you can say, the more complex the content of your app is, the more complex the software has to be.
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For example, a mobile virtual reality app which lets its customers check the different products in 3D needs a comparatively simple interface. The development costs of the 3D models and the user interface are comparatively low. However, the point here is that whether you want to build a simple 3D environment or an engaging virtual reality game, the interface of the app will be directly affected by the content you choose and both will decide whether the development costs of your virtual reality go up or down.
Also, regarding the content of your app, there will be a couple of things you first need to decide.
1. What sort of content are you planning to have for your app?
2. Who will write/create the content of your app — Developer or a 3rd-party content writing services company?
3. How will the content of your virtual reality app affect your platform selection?
What kind of gadgets to utilize?
You need to learn and understand the set of gadgets that you want to pair with your virtual reality app. For example, Google Cardboard headset uplifts the consumer experience significantly. Moreover, yes, it is only cardboard. However, what about the whole variety of the probable complementary virtual reality gadgets that comes along with the headset? Supporting a comprehensive range of 3rd-party gadgets will undoubtedly take your app to a whole new level. However, of course, the costs will go up as well.
Virtual reality video or engaging experiences?
When compared to a highly 3D viewing experience, your app might not need to provide so much interaction. In any case, if 3D video is what you want then there are many hardware options for high-quality recording and producing good 3D video content at medium and professional stages.

Not to forget that there are some lower-end devices for Do-it-yourself (DIY) 3D video development and on the other side, there are companies specialize in 3D video production. The cost of DIY video gadgets ranges from a couple of hundred dollars to $10, 000 per minute.
What kind of strategy were you planning for your VR app?
This is one of the most critical and distinct steps. Although it may look simple, it is not. You certainly cannot afford to make any mistakes at this point as you will end up rebuilding the entire development plan later on. So pay utmost attention even to the minute details.
First, choose whether you want to build a virtual reality app for iOS or Android users. Wondering what difference it makes? Well, this step will help you define your toolset and get ready for the distributional work.
Who will build your virtual reality app?
The last important factor that will affect the development cost is for the team who will build the app — Who, where, when, and what conditions. These questions are essential to deciding on not only the budget but also the quality and time consumption to build the app. Apart from the platform (iOS or Android) of the virtual reality app, at the point, the concern is about the development company– Where it is and how much does they charge for the development process.
The development costs of your virtual reality app will ultimately depend on how big your development company is. There are freelancers and small companies whose charges start from as minimum like $5, 000 and go up to $10, 000 just for simple projects. If compared with the big firms, then they will charge no less than $15, 000 to $35, 000.
Also Read : 13 Best Augmented Reality Games For iOS and Android (2018)
For instance, the app development companies in Asian countries can get your project done even with the lowest prices. They will charge $25 to $40 per hour. However, if you want the same work to get it done either in Europe or the United States, then the charges will be at least $50 to $250 per hour.
More and more industries are now using VR based apps and thus this industry is merely to rise and grow in the coming years. However, if you look for the appropriate cost and quality, then you may want to look in a bit to different countries and their mode of development.

There are East Asian countries that charge less per hour, where You might doubt the quality of the work, but you don’t have to. Not every time cheaper means worse quality. Moreover, again, it is ultimately you who will decide the development costs according to your priorities and requirements.