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12 Best Personal Assistant AI Apps For Android 2018 [Infographic]

12 Best Personal Assistant AI Apps For Android 2018 [Infographic]

With the era of mobile app development and taking into account the growth of opportunities technology is to provide, every individual aspires to save time as much as they can. Whether its for communication with family or friends, for personal or professional life, gadgets have become a primary part of life.

To provide users with more features and options, most of the platforms are now bringing up personal assistant apps. And as Android has flourished to one of the top rated mobile platform with highest number of users, there are a number of AI apps that can perform creative functions to the simplest tasks.

As more things are coming up, let’s wait and see what’s more to come in the future with technology as everyone loves to work smart!

After doing research on this, we have compiled the top 12 personal assistant AI aap for Android this year in this info graphic.

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