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9 Most Essential Tips For Successful Mobile Game Development

9 Most Essential Tips For Successful Mobile Game Development

The mobile game development market is both rewarding as well as challenging, stimulated with a lot of incredible opportunities for mobile game developers. Many companies have hit the top notch by making stunning games. However, it is undeniable that only a few games become profitable and joins the league of successful games. While the speculations about game’s future are high, certain important guidelines can help you improve your chance to beat others in the app store.

In this blog you are about to dive into top 9 most essential tips to develop a successful game for popular mobile platforms. Implementing these ideas, you can ensure that you game get acknowledged quickly in today’s booming mobile game market. Let’s start with major reasons for game failures:

Factors that impede mobile game success

Usually, mobile games often fail to capture its audience and get low scores because:

  • Lack of creativity and innovative appeal
  • Interesting monetization tactics
  • Banal features and lack of engaging elements
  • Poor user acquisition
  • Complicated or confusing game play

To help your game acquire more users and reach smashing success, the following are the essential tips:

1) Research to outsmart the competition

Online app stores are infused with tens of thousands of games at the moment. Hence, there is a pretty enough chance that there is already a few good games similar to the one you are trying to build. This is why it is crucial to do serious research on your game idea to ensure it is original or has original, more appealing elements for users. Download and explore all the games that fit close to the one you have in mind.

Determine the game platform

After you are sure you have a clear vision and a viable idea of game type, it is time to identify the best platform for success. Think of what platforms are trending and have humongous influence on users. Mobile Platforms (iOS, Android, Blackberry, Hybrid) set the foundation for game development. Since every platform comes with its own pros and cons, it is important to pick the right choice which depends on:

  • The target audience for your game
  • Technical requirements and graphics
  • Processing speed and available resources

If you are muddled between iOS and Android, it is judicious to opt for both the platforms as long as you believe your idea is resilient and functional. When you launch games on multiple platforms, you can reach maximum audience with increased visibility.

UI/UX Design should be a stunner

You have a greater chance to attract and engage more users if your mobile game carries an intuitive, user-friendly and compelling UI. In an effort to make UI more appealing, make sure you don’t overwhelm users with too many complicated controls. If you game promises massive play, design a set of instructions that introduce users to game structure and get them on board.

Also, your game design graphics should not blur or create distorted pictures on high resolution screens. Consider all screen sizes and resolution quality well before actually designing the game graphics.

Create addictive stories

Stories sell quickly especially if it is mobile game development. Be it fantasy games or strategy gameplay, beautiful stories fascinate users, bring objects and characters into a context and enhance game’s worth. A good meaningful storyline makes players addicted to your game, ultimately increasing user interest and engagement.

There is no specific formula that turns your game into an addiction. Keep up your creativity and find out why these big titles are big. You may require multiple iterations before the game is what it should be.

Create social engagement

Social media a blazing fad that drives engagement to your mobile game. People love to share victories, rewards and performance score with other members and connect with more users. Integrating social elements  improves community value and triggers word-of-mouth publicity.

Hook users with sensational sound effects

Every mobile game development buff knows how important it is to include music that obsesses users with the game. The best way to weave a musical surprise for users is to leverage open source library of game sounds. You can either pick free audio effects or custom-create your own. Your game has a better chance to be a brand and attract more audience with custom music. Users appreciate creativity of sound effects especially if it is in mobile games since it sets gaming vibes and mood.

Don’t prioritize Monetization

Although the mobile game development has business expectations, while building beautiful games of immense value it is better to keep aside the intents of monetization. Dedicate your time to creating the best game play possible. Make a monetization strategy after the game is up and in demand.

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The stacks are high: you have to beat thousands of competitors, create the original and addictive and attract maximum users. If you fulfil all these criteria, the game will definitely earn you well.

Practice relentless testing standards

It is every game developer’s religion to test the game app for bugs, crashes and functionality of games they build. Users don’t install the game to experience obstacles in their play. They seek smooth, hassle free performance and enjoyable hours of engagement. Prepare a draconian testing format and pass your game through all the rigorous test routines on target platforms. Don’t limit the testing to just yourself. Instead, you can hire game testers or QA freelancers and ask your friends to for honest opinions.

Introduce frequent updates

The best way to receive more retention for your mobile game is to launch MVP with a promise of scaling it up with additional characters, levels and essential layered elements. This can be done during marketing and promotional campaigns as well. Asking people for their initial feedback can help you design new creatives and introduce more updates. Gradually, you will see a viral wave around the game. As you evolve game constantly with new features and updates, user retention improves.

Be creative and proactive for Marketing

Game will not become famous on its own. You have to be proactive and prepare for the launch from scratch. Your branding activities must reflect your ultimate goal and vision so that it becomes easy to launch and promote the game, and for the game to be absorbed in the market.

Blogging: Pull in massive traction from online influencers and communities who share similar tastes in the field. If you are not good with words, you may contact bloggers who can write about your new game, promote it and help make it more discoverable and visible. Blogging is also effective for increasing downloads and branding.

KPIs: Determine the clear objective and vision along with key performance indicators (KPI) from the beginning. Try to figure out custom KPIs to go beyond the general factors and dig up more specific changes that can boost game’s performance and put big impact on different user groups.

Localization: To make your mobile game achieve wide éclat, you ought to constantly seek stepping into new markets. Localizing the mobile game makes global distribution much more effective, rapid and profitable. The faster you reach the target user community, the more chance for terrific success.

Final words

Despite general belief that mobile game development is only full of fun and no challenges, bringing the concept to reality for game developers is a cumbersome process.  The job is both stressful and rewarding. Set clear and realistic expectations from the very beginning. Mobile game development success formula involves solid development skills and creative marketing. Those who have clear vision and awareness of upcoming challenges can attain gratifying results.

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