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How to be Successful at Educational App Development?

How to be Successful at Educational App Development? has become easier, smarter and interesting with the advancement in technology. One can either be specific or generic regarding what they need to learn. Today, the most perfect medium to grab knowledge is Internet. Mobile applications have become a trend in today’s world to acquire more knowledge.

Educational app development is given more focus in mobile app development as it is having good demand in the market. Many reputed schools now promotes the use of iPhones and iPads. This can greatly help the child’s education as they experience the fun element in learning. Educational app development is a long term relationship with the customers and it is comparatively free from risk.

Children make use of apps mainly for entertainment, educational purpose and to play downloaded games. While choosing apps for children, parents often consider the educational apps.

When we decide to develop an educational app, we need to think more . It is better to use one’s own imagination to make the app attractive. Here are some of the tips to make the app successful:

Make the concept clear and original

As it is an educational app, focus on the educational value of app. Smart Speller is an educational app which helps the children to spell words, enrich vocabulary, improve their various skills such as visual, language and pronunciation problem solving skills and motor skills. Creating story app, increases kid’s engagement in the app. Pictures and sounds in Smart Speller app is original that too with high quality.

Make the app as reusable asset

One should use all their efforts to make the app reusable. Reusable assets can help to reduce the development time of future applications.

Multi-platform solution

In order to develop multi-platform solution, one should start from a less competitive market. In case of educational app development, android and windows market is more preferable. When competition is stronger, the chances of success will also be reduced.

Test the app with audience

In case of educational app development, audiences will be children. We can give app to the child and get direct and immediate feedback regarding the app without even releasing it.

Introduce a smarter plan

For succeeding, these are the steps to be followed:

1. Always start with the development of prototype

2. Next step is to start the process of usability testing

3. Third step is to produce a graphic design

4. Fourth step is the application development

Recommended read: Things to Keep In Mind While Developing Educational Apps

Among these steps, most important one is usability testing. Pleasing story, good graphics and pleasing sounds are not just enough. One should also make sure that the app is having a child-friendly navigation interface. It is advisable not to overload the screen with social plug-ins, banners, menu buttons or ads.

Scalability of the solution

Creating different language versions can be the scalability tool. Creating multilingual solution is a simple way to increase the number of downloads thereby increasing the profit.

Implement language localization

Audience often prefer every details of their product to be known in their own native language. Co-operation with native speakers is the best solution for the purpose of language localization. It involve translators that help to translate the descriptions of application. One can use text to speech engine for reading the text content louder. On the android market, one can easily localize the name and description of the product.

Continuous improvement is very much necessary for every product. Make changes and improve the app as per the feedback of audience. When it comes to educational app, parents and children both have equal importance to give feedback.

Also Check: Latest Updated Educational Apps Directory List

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