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15 Best Women Safety Apps

15 Best Women Safety Apps

To encourage Women’s freedom to travel late at night, companies have rolled out mobile apps dedicated to complete women safety and security. These women safety apps revolve around empowering women to live fearless and explore the world confidently, keeping their family members and close friends informed of their whereabouts.

Here we have covered 15 best women safety apps built with outstanding features that shield women from dangers in the world outside.

Namola Grannus Kavalan SOS
SHEROES Disha SOS Women Safety
Himmat Plus 112 India CitizenCop
Emergency SOS Family Locator My Safetipin
Shake2Safety bSafe Red Panic Button


1. Namola

namola - women safety apps

Caring for the safety of your loved ones is natural and Namola brings you South Africa’s biggest and the most trusted mobile safety solution. With Namola you can now stay connected, protected and most of all are safe. It will help you get in touch with your loved ones in the time of emergency.

It also allows you to get help from police, fire station, and ambulance as and when the emergency arises. With Namola you can be assured that you have got a reliable back.

App Features

  • It lets you share location with your loved ones
  • It alerts you if your loved ones have arrived at the location or started the journey.
  • It is absolutely free of cost.
  • It also lets you avail private emergency medical services with Namola plus.
  • It has an in-build panic button.

Rating: 4.7/5

Installs: 100,000+

Download: Android, iOS

2. Grannus – Women and Child Safety Medical Emergency

grannus - women safety apps

This app is being designed keeping in mind the safety of women, children, and also in case of any social emergency like accidents and blood donation. Grannus has been strengthening the women and children safe in today’s uncertain times.

It also makes sure that women in distress can also seek advice NGOs on women safety which are associated with Grannus, thus giving utmost importance to women’s safety.

App Features

  • This platform helps to connect blood seekers to blood donors.
  • It also has a toll free telephonic number for the people who do not have a smartphone.
  • It has an ecosystem of volunteers who help you find the child if he/she is missing.
  • It gives you the alerts, in case you have missed taking the medicines.
  • It helps you save all your medical records in the app to help combat emergency situations.

Rating: 4.7/5

Installs: 50,000+

Download: Android

3. Kavalan SOS

kavalan sos - women safety apps

Kavalan is an initiative taken up by the department of police in Tamil Nadu. This app was made to help people connect to the police control room and seek their help in case if the emergency situations like eve-teasing, kidnapping and etc. This app is specially designed for women and children across Tamil Nadu.

In order to filter the fake calls claiming to be an emergency, this app helps you verify the relevant ones and saves the time of police. Kavalan makes sure that all the details provided by uses are safe and will be hampered.

App Features

  • It sends your location to your pre-registered emergency contacts in case of any emergency.
  • It works in an offline mode as well, the alerts are sent via SMS.
  • It automatically records the video through your back camera after pressing the SOS button.
  • This app makes sure that the information provided will be used for malicious activity.
  • It also helps you in situations like Flood, etc.

Rating: 4.5/5

Installs: 1,000,000+

Download: Android, iOS


women social network - women safety apps

Sheroes is one of the best and most trusted apps which is built for the safety of the women. It also helps women to get in touch with fellow women and seek help in terms of health and share food recipes. It is not just it, now with Sheroes, you can get loans with cheapest interest rates.

Sheroes is one of the biggest safety apps for women in India and the world. It lets you seek advice from the doctor absolutely free. You can even create your own community with like-minded people and discuss all you want.

App Features

  • It is absolutely free of cost.
  • It helps you get connected with doctors, experts in your field and etc.
  • It lets you share your images and videos.
  • It provides you with rewards from your favourite brand after referring to your friend.
  • It helps you track your periods.

Rating: 4.4/5

Installs: 1,000,000+

Download: Android, iOS

5. Disha SOS

disha sos - women safety apps

We all care for our loved ones but it is practically not possible to be with them at every moment, with Disha SOS you can now keep vigilance on your loved one and get notified if they are in any sought of danger.

It is enabled with all the necessary information which will help you get in contact with the right person at the time of emergency. It is made to increase the safety of women and citizens.

Disha SOS is enabled with in-built information of the nearby police station, hospitals and other useful contacts. Apart from that it also gives you the useful phone numbers through which you can seek help.

App Features

  • It has in-built information about the police station and hospitals.
  • It lets you know the safety places nearby your location at the time of emergency.
  • It has a location tracking feature.
  • It has phone numbers which can be dialled to get the help.

Rating: 4.3/5

Installs: 500,000+

Download: Android, iOS

Read Also : 15 Best Apps For Emergency Situations 2023

6. Women Safety

women safety - women safety apps

Women Safety is one of the best apps available in the market which focuses on the safety of the women to decrease the crime rate against women and increase their safety.

It updates you instantly if your loved ones are in an emergency or need any kind of help. Women Safety app is one of the fast yet easiest ways to update your information and other details to your loved ones.

You just have to tap a button and the email is sent to your loved ones along with your location in the google map. It’s not just yet along with it, it also captures the images from the front camera and the back camera as well. These images can be accessed via a link which is sent through the mail.

App Features

  • It captures the images, videos and audio at the time of emergency.
  • The app is configured with 3 buttons, based on the situation you can take the action and an alert will be sent to your loved ones.
  • The images, videos and audio taken are sent through the mail to your dear ones.
  • It lets you update your location to your loved ones with just tap of a button.

Rating: 4.2/5

Installs: 100,000+

Download: Android

7. Himmat Plus

himmat plus - women safety apps

Women in India are not safe, given the fact that the kind of crimes that we come across every day. In order to curb that, Himmat Plus is an app which is launched by the Delhi Police for the safety of women. It has a very simple user interface and can be accessed without any hassle.

This app is solely been dedicated to the women in Delhi by keeping a thorough and detailed vigilance. This app doesn’t violet any information provided by the user. In an emergency, the location is sent to the Delhi police and hence police come into the action to stop the possible crime.

App Features

  • It sends the location of the user to the Delhi Police.
  • It also sends the audio-video information in the emergency situation to the police.
  • This app lets the Delhi police coordinate internally and a nearby police station takes the charge of the scene.
  • The app is simple and easy to use.

Rating: 4.2/5

Installs: 50,000+

Download: Android, iOS

8. 112 India

112 india

After seeing the increase in the violence against women, setting-up an app which ensures the safety of the women is the need of an hour. One such app is 112 India which ensures that women in India are safe. Through this app in an emergency situation, you can seek help from the local volunteers.

This app sends all the necessary information like name, age and emergency contacts to the number 112 which is the State Emergency Control Room and the person’s emergency contacts.

App Features

  • The alert of the emergency is notified with an audio/ visual medium.
  • It is so efficient that you can use it 24*7.
  • It easily gets integrated with existing emergency response systems.
  • It also helps track the progress of the incident.

Rating: 4/5

Installs: 500,000+

Download: Android, iOS

9. CitizenCop

citizen cop

It is very normal to get panic in an emergency but it can lead to the hazardous consequences you seek no help. With Citizencop you are not alone, it is your everyday companion and a life saviour at the time of the emergency situation. It is made to keep the citizens in the city safe and especially women.

If you have witnessed a crime or been a victim? Citizencop is the ultimate solution for you. This app lets your loved ones track your location with our live tracking features.

App Features

  • It lets you know the traffic updates.
  • It allows you to know if your vehicle is been stolen.
  • It provides you with live location to your loved ones.
  • It also calculates taxi fares.

Rating: 3.9/5

Installs: 500,000+

Download: Android, iOS

10. Emergency SOS Safety Alert – Personal Alarm App

emergency sos

Losing a peace of mind when your loved ones are out in the world is pretty normal, but with Emergency SOS Safety Alert app you can know if they are safe or need any kind of help. This app allows you to nominate as many people as you want as the emergency contact.

It uses the GPS system to know the location of your loved ones at the time of emergency. Based on the location of the situation, this app alerts your nominee who is in the closest proximity.

App Features

  • It can add many nominees who are at a different location.
  • It lets you edit the default content as per the emergency situation.
  • The messages are sent across within 2 seconds.
  • This app is absolutely free of cost.
  • It lets you track the number of messages you have sent.

Rating: 3.8/5

Installs: 100,000+

Download: Android

women safety app industry insights and competitor analysis

11. Family Locator

family locator

In a busy schedule of life it very difficult to track your loved ones to know if they are safe or need any help. Family Locator has now enabled you to stay linked to your family members at any given time of the day. It uses the phones GPS system to know the location of your loved ones.

With Family Locator you can know if your family member has reached the destination or is on the way. It also lets you create a family group for everyone to stay connected.

App Features

  • It lets you access the location history of your family members.
  • You can easily find your phone if it is stolen or lost.
  • It lets you check-in to share your location with your family.
  • It helps you find your family member easily with augmented reality.

Rating: 3.7/5

Installs: 1,000,000+

Download: Android, iOS

12. My Safetipin

my safetypin

Landing in an unknown area is always scary and one has to be very alert while travelling in such areas, with My Safetipin you know the score of the road in terms of its safety. By analysing that you can take further action. The safety score is calculated based on the 9 parameters.

These parameters include Openness, Lighting, Visibility, People, Security, Walk Path, Public Transport, Gender Usage, Feeling. It lets you share your location with your loved ones and they will be alerted if you step-in to a low safety score area.

App Features

  • Your loved ones will be notified if you are travelling in a wrong route.
  • It lets you find the safest route available.
  • It alerts your family members if you enter into the low safety score area.
  • It lets you view the nearby hospitals, markets and etc.

Rating: 3.7/5

Installs: 50,000+

Download: Android, iOS

13. Shake2Safety – Personal Safety


Alerting your loved ones in an emergency situation has never been easier. With Shake2Safety, it lets your family members know that you need help through the send text messages which is triggered by shaking the phone or pressing the power button 4 times.

It sends your family members the text messages with your location at the time of emergency. Along with the text, you can even send the images.

App Features

  • It lets you record a video for 4 seconds before sending the alert.
  • It sends multiple messages to all your saved emergency contacts.
  • It works even in the locked screen mode.
  • It works in offline mode as well.

Rating: 3.7/5

Installs: 100,000+

Download: Android

14. bSafe


bSafe lets you take care of each other in the emergency times. It allows you to create your own security network. It is known as the most reliable personal safety app. It works in such a way that, it sends SOS alarms to your loved ones at the time of emergency.

With bSafe, you can have a track of your family members and friends in terms of their locations and help them in case of any emergency.

App Features

  • You can send an SOS signal with just a tap of a button.
  • It lets you stream emergency video and record it.
  • It sends your loved ones the live locations.
  • With bSafe you can even enable a fake call to get you out of an unpleasant situation.

Rating: 3.6/5

Installs: 500,000+

Download: Android, iOS

15. Red Panic Button

red panic button

Are you in trouble in an unknown place and don’t have anyone to help you out? You need not worry, with Red Panic Button you can now send an automatic panic email to your loved ones to help you out.

The app is simple and can easily be navigated without any hassle. The app is available in both free and paid versions. It also supports pebble smartwatch.

App Features

  • It sends your loved ones the panic texts, emails and tweets.
  • It can easily be integrated with android wear devices.
  • The app is completely ads free.
  • It sends your location to your emergency contacts at the time of crises.

Rating: 2.9/5

Installs: 100,000+

Download: Android, iOS

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No matter how much careful and vigilant Indian Government is, you always need a friend in emergency situations. These 15 women safety apps are there for women who feel threatened and unprotected or face unthinkable situations.

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These women safety apps all are designed to track their specific locations and inform their close folks about their safety status.

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