iOS app developers/businesses, there’s great news for you.Apple has reduced its stringent review period from more than a week to less than 2 days. This is a very welcome move from Apple.
Why this sudden move, you ask? Well, its part of Apple’s master plan to increase revenue from its mobile app services. The shortened time to market means app bugs would get fixed faster, and it wouldn’t be such a pain to test out new features. For Apple, tt will help build the loyalty of app developers to iOS platform.
Also Read: 10 Stupid Reasons Your iOS App is Getting Rejected
AppReviewTimes.com has reported a drop in the average review period from 8.8 days in 2015 to 1.95 presently.
This move closes the review period difference App Store had with its competitor, Google’s Play Store. It also points to a shift in the mobile industry for Apple, whose mobile phone sales have started to stagnate in a saturated market. The new focus would be on deriving more revenue from the service sector.
“Apple is a little bit of a different company than it was a few years ago when it first built the App Store,” said Maddern, founder of Button. “It’s becoming a lot more developer-friendly. It’s becoming a lot more open in its approach to building an ecosystem.”
So, what do you think? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section.