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Advantages and Disadvantages of Xamarin in Mobile App Development

Advantages and Disadvantages of Xamarin in Mobile App Development

An impressively crafted mobile app means constant revenue to a business and customer engagement. However, mobile app development comes across multiple development platforms and devices, which is apparently challenging. Xamarin mobile application development offers a thinkable cross-platform solution that works across multiple operating systems and devices.

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Ever since its launch, Xamarin is used as a robust cross-platform app development platform that helps build a single app for all device systems. Native apps often require duplicated codes for different platforms. However, Xamarin app development comes with both pros and cons. In this blog, we are going to explore both advantages and disadvantages of using Xamarin in mobile app development.


Fast app development cycle

The most phenomenal part about Xamarin app development platform is that it contains reusable code 90% of which can be recycled for the development of apps on various platforms. The coding is based on C# language and .Net libraries. Since developers can reuse great portion of original Xamarin codes for creating apps across different platforms, it becomes easy to reserve big slice of time and efforts for them to accelerate the pace of development cycle. Due to simplified code sharing across different OS, users have a shortened product development lifecycle.

Getting the best of C#

Being a general-purpose, type-friendly programming language for Windows platform, C# is a sophisticated resort when it comes to leveraging object-oriented coding. C# is a modern, more advanced and improved version of C++ which enables you to treat basic data as objects. Its type-safety feature means a lot to Xamarin mobile app development company as it allows them to circumvent possible type-specific errors and blunders. Developers would not have to involve boilerplate or verbose type annotations, which increases convenience while also avoiding flawed program.

RMAD for businesses

Xamarin mobile app development services hugely appeal to businesses that emphasize modern app development practices due to its RMAD (rapid mobile app development) capability. Xamarin’s cross-platform development has the added advantage over native apps of speeding up the process without compromising on cost. Agility and cost are two primary requirements for any business and Xamarin does it better. Xamarin UI development uses forms libraries to make the process rapid, simple and smooth. This proves that Xamarin is a business-friendly platform.

Native User experience and feel

Xamarin cross-platform app development tool (IDE) enables such C# coding that the result is a native look and feel of the mobile app. At the moment of app runtime, it converts UI components into platform-specific elements, resulting in native app-like experience. Users choose apps with native UI design and experience. Xamarin app development company enjoys the access to device-specific features and its ability to compete with native app technologies.

Shared app code

What makes Xamarin as a considerable choice for cross-platform app development is the luxury of sharing the app code across multiple mobile platforms and OS. This is why businesses prefer to hire Xamarin developer. The important UI logics like input validation, web service calls, database interactions, back-end API integrations are all coded with C#. This makes Xamarin a cross-platform app development tool with a unique edge.

API Integration flexibility

Xamarin mobile application development also stands out because of its utmost flexibility to use same APIs and UI controls as found in developing Android, iOS and Mac applications. It supports the development for respective platform-specific programming languages such as Java, Objective-C and Swift. Such binding capability allows users to install new features no sooner than they are introduced into device’s OS.

Riddance from Hardware Compatibility issues

Xamarin offers the use of a rage of plug-ins and supporting APIs for cross-platform app development, which means it is quite possible that you are going to enjoy native-level interaction with operating device hardware. This goes to indicate that you will have little hardware compatibility issues with Xamarin mobile app development services as such. While developing apps on Xamarin platform, any Xamarin app development company can bask in the fact that they are to build applications with commonly available device functionalities running seamlessly on assorted platforms. Moreover, Xamarin delivers freedom to link native libraries for crafting great apps with good-quality customizations.


Inevitable software overheads

Despite the fact that Xamarin mobile application development saves time by creating a single app for all platforms, it also involves, on the other hand, code linkage and referencing between target OS environments of different devices in use and .Net frameworks. This implies that such efforts can add to time taken for initiation and downloads of the app.

Time-consuming nature of UI Development

Again, time gets crucial when it comes to UI development on Xamarin platform. Although Xamarin facilitates reusing maximum code across target device platforms, it is hard to create a portable version of core UI. This is why Xamarin app development experts are compelled to perform some portion of coding for independent platform, which demands time.

Issues of App file size

While being beneficial in many ways, Xamarin is also slightly accused of swallowing more time for additional job of adjusting app file size. This is mainly because the generous use of Xamarin’s core libraries and functionality burdens the app stores with unjustifiable app file size. The size margin in the store may range from 3MB to 15MB.

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Conclusive Remarks

According to enterprises and developers, Xamarin combines the best of both: native user experience and cross-platform operations. Albeit certain cons, Xamarin mobile app Development Company can still provide you with all the benefit of cross-platform mobile app project like code reuse, a flourishing community of Xamarin professionals and advanced technology of C#. This all-in-one solution platform enables you to build, test and monitor and deploy apps using just one tool. You can opt for Professional Xamarin mobile app development services provider after ensuring that pros of Xamarin outweigh its cons.

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